
Seven Features of Vibrant Public Libraries

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10218 08 Columbus Metropolitan Library
GUND Partnership
  1. Libraries today are about connecting people to resources and to each other. An assortment of collaboration spaces that include flexible furnishings and easy to use technology support a rich variety of formal and impromptu gatherings.
  2. Research shows that connecting with nature has huge health benefits. Try maximizing daylight or opening up views and access to outdoor parks or green spaces. Creating outdoor library programming is another great way to supplement traditional indoor programming.
  3. Life-long learning enhances social inclusion and personal development. Libraries are seizing the tremendous opportunity to be impactful in providing programming for all generations including literacy interventions for young children, homework support and skill-based programs for teens and young adults and rich programming and social opportunities for older adults.
  4. Libraries are in a unique position to curate and showcase the history and current life of their community. Going beyond the gallery room, libraries are interweaving pieces throughout to guide visitors on a stimulating journey of discovery.
  5. Access to high speed wi-fi, tools and technology, like 3D printers, fabrication equipment and audio/video capture studios that customers might not otherwise have access to helps build community and increase job skills.
  6. Library personnel equipped with mobile technology can better answer customer questions in real time as they no longer need to be tethered to a workspace.
  7. Libraries get more engagement from their customers by encouraging them to linger. They do this with a variety of environments and amenities.
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