Denison University
Burton D. Morgan Hall
A new gateway on campus.
Burton D. Morgan Hall provides a new point of entry for campus visitors and houses a variety of academic and administrative functions. A bridge connects it to adjacent academic buildings and an underground garage creates acres of new real estate. A new gateway building, it brings students through to the edge of campus. At the same time, vehicular traffic is directed below this precinct into an underground garage. The new separation of paths for pedestrians and vehicles, together with a significant open space, restores the visual clarity and pastoral tradition of the university.
Transparency encourages movement and engagement.
Burton D. Morgan Hall is designed to facilitate career exploration, entrepreneurship, and alumni engagement. An atrium connects three floors visually and functionally. Social spaces on the perimeter activate the atrium and smaller break-out rooms and incubator spaces provide students with places to meet and work collaboratively. A distinct sense of discovery and interaction is celebrated as part of the visitor experience as one moves through the building.
An outdoor living room.
Outside, the landscaped Campus Common is a key pedestrian linkage between the academic and residential parts of campus. The exterior space is a new forecourt to the existing student center building and a unique outdoor living room for the entire Denison community. Formal and informal outdoor meeting spaces activate the Commons. A landscaped trellis system and curving benches provide places for students to rest and gather with friends along the circulation path.
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